The Dota 2 Cosplayers of The International 13
Amazing new cosplayers enter the arena.

We're on the ground at The International 13, judging cosplayers for this year's biggest Dota tournament. Check out the line up below!
Dota 2 arrives at the Royal Arena in Copenhagen, Denmark. A storied location of many epic battles, the energy is palpable in the air as contestants from all over the world vie for ownership of the Aegis of Champions.
Alongside the heated competition, cosplayers from various parts of the world come to showcase their passion and craft, infusing it into the world of Dota 2.
We've interviewed some of the cosplay entrants to hear more about them. Check out their interviews below to see how they came to be here!
Our judge panel for TI13 includes:
"We were happy to see many different approaches to cosplay and how they used their strengths to their costumes," Marugitto told SteelSeries.
Vengeful Spirit - Vicky Kujikawa
What does cosplay mean to you?
For me cosplay shows the love you have toward a game or character, or film, because I think it's an art, and we put a lot of work to rep the chars as well as possible. When you cosplay, you show your love for the thing you're cosplaying.
Why did you pick this character?
VS has been one of my favorite heroes since I started playing Dota many years ago. I always loved her story and lore, and when they released Crownfall, I love her current story and how she recovers her wings and crown. I had no other option, I always wanted her to have an Arcana, so it was perfect.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
I had limited time becaues Arcana was released about 4 months ago, so I ddin't have much time. I think I finished at the end of August, I had to spend days working on it, waking up, working, then going to sleep. It was 4 months, but the time I out into it was more than 4 months, it felt like.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
I love playing with friends, and I love how difficult the game is, and how strategic it is. I really like to improve in the game and also love watching the professional players being so good with some characters and strategies. Each game feels very unique. All the characters feel so unique.
Enchantress - Peachyxbell
What does cosplay mean to you?
Cosplay is a hobby where I can escape and it allows me to learn things and grow.
Why did you pick this character?
I love this set of Enchantress, it's the best in the game. Its so magical and I love the aesthetic of lambs, I look innocent and cute. Theres a lot of techniques in making osmetihng like this, sowing, armor, and woodmaking.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
This took over 6 months, maybe 8. I wasn't counting. I passed out while making it then woke back up.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
The friends you make along the way! I love meeting new people with similar interests, everyone is so passionate.
Dawnbreaker - ChiyuNekoo
What does cosplay mean to you?
It means a lot of blood, sweat, tears. It's also just a fun crafting project that got me back into armor and building again.
Why did you pick this character?
Partially because she's never really been done before, it was a lot of fun technical challenge, and a massive giant wig that I really wanted to light up. And a lot of armor.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
It took about 5-6 months. I think the hammer was the most challenging, had a lot of issues, but I spent close to 100 hours on the wig, lots of crimping and gluing wefts.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
I think playing with friends and yelling at each other. Some people are probably friendlier, but my friend group is not.
Juggernaut - TanakhT
Czech Republic - Cosplay Winner in 2018
What does cosplay mean to you?
It means the time that I can spend with my friend doing the hobby that I love.
Why did you pick this character?
I like to play Jugg and Wraith King, and Jugg was more my body type back in the day.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
I think 4 months.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
I love the complexity of Dota as a game, League was too easy. When it comes to these events, the community, how everyone likes to line up to take pictures, Dota is a big nice community. I only see the toxicity online.
Tidehunter - Mozart
United States
What does cosplay mean to you?
For me, it's a nice way to engage with a hobby in a new and interesting way, it's my first cosplay. I love Dota so much, doing it has been gratifying and to meet the other cosplayers as well.
Why did you pick this character?
I love playing Tidehunter, and I don’t think he's very represented in cosplay. I thought it was a unique, fun challenge.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
I spent about 2-3 weeks on it.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
I love the teamplay aspects and how intricate the game is when you play on an organized team and how fun the game is.
Marci - Yuning
What does cosplay mean to you?
It means a lot to me because I really like to play Marci. It lets me become her, because I really like her and to play her.
Why did you pick this character?
I've seen the Dota anime. Marci is really brave in it and a honorable person. She does a lot to protect Princess Mirana, I like this kind of person.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
Not long, basically, a week. I basically cut some cloths and put them together. Primarily sowing and cutting.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
I like one of the players, Ame, from XG. He's the first reason for me to play Dota.
Monkey King - Catastrophic Cosplays
What does cosplay mean to you?
It means a lot. It’s the chance to be a fantasy and live a fantasy you have. It's how I met loads of friends, it's a community really, that's the most important thing about it.
Why did you pick this character?
Big fan of Journey to the West, I think the Dota version is coolest visual interpretation of the character. They did a lot of great things interpreting the character specifying from the story. I think it’s a fantastic design, I wanted to bring it to life.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
About 6-7 weeks, yeah pretty short. A lot of concentration time.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
The events! I like being with the community, getting to see people, meeting friends. Watching Dota in person in the crowd is always very special.
Dark Willow - Braunbaerin
What does cosplay mean to you?
Just being creative, and getting in the zone, trying to solve problems, also meeting friends and having a great community around them.
Why did you pick this character?
I have more than 1,700 games on her! It's my favorite character.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
It's tough to say, I've done some parts in 2019, and I worked on them for a whole week. For the rest of the costume, about one and a half months.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
Actually working in it! I work for Tundra Esports. Having the community and the people around is amazing, always having the support and meeting up with people.
Invoker - Marzaus
Czech Republic
What does cosplay mean to you?
This is my second self-made cosplay. It's like a feeling of seeing something in real life, taking something from game and making it real. I love that, and love doing that, making the impossible reality.
Why did you pick this character?
I love the character because its unique in how he works, and I also love the set for him, the item set.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
My rough estimate is 1,500 hours, but I stopped counting after 200 hours. I started making it for Stockholm 2020, before it was cancelled, but I also took a 3-year break.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
Complexity. Dota has so many layers that it takes to master, so you never get bored.
Crystal Mate - Scouse&spouse
What does cosplay mean to you?
We play games a lot, and theres nothing mor einteresting and fun than brining that charcater into realizination. You spend so many hours playing that character, and when you actually make it yourself, you realize how much goes into making the game, the pieces, the artwork. You have a new perspective on the game.
The whole crowd aspect, creating an atmosphere and talking to people is also a good part of it as well.
Why did you pick this character?
CM is my fave when I play, one night over some beers we decided to make her australian cousin, "Crystal Mate," and here we are.
Where did you get your materials and how long did it take?
We had this plan after ESL, and we weren't sure, some things happenened, when SteelSeries announced, we started wrapping him in saran warp and making him into a mannequin, it took a month. It's been a crazy month.
What's your favorite part of Dota?
The variety, the amount of different heroes, and the amount of different games you can play with those kinds of heroes. No two games are the same.
The community for me, there are so many Discords I'm in. There are so many spouses who hang out there and talk about the same things, and the game drives me insane. 4 am hearing the yells, " go mid! go mid!"
Tune in for the Dota 2 cosplay finals and award ceremony on Sunday, September 15th, before the Grand Finals begin.
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Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.