What is PUBG Report?
See hype moments from PUBG matches, even your own!

Did you ever wish PUBG had a killcam? With PUBG Report, you can witness the end of your own run from a perspective of a streamer! Or see how famous players perished in battle.
We've all perished before in a PUBG match. Sometimes, the death comes out of nowhere, or we had no idea how the opponent set up the kill. Enter PUBG Report, a popular website that has the potential to show you what happened.
What is PUBG Report?
Essentially, it's a web service that catalogues streamer reactions -- either of them killing you, or you killing them. You can search by player or stream name in the upper left corner of the website to see if you can find the relevant clips. If you know the name of the streamer that you eliminated or vice versa, just click on "Streamer" and type in that name.
For example, you can see streamer Art1_x eliminating WackyJacky101 in PUBG. The relevant VOD from Twitch is shown, and timestamped pretty close to the situation.
At the bottom, you can see "Other Perspectives," so in this case, you can see WackyJacky's viewpoint as he gets unfortunately eliminated.
Why isn't my match showing in PUBG Report?
Usually, it takes a little bit before your most recent match can show up in Report, so just wait a bit. If it's still not showing up, it's possible that your stream or the other player's does not have VODs enabled. This will only work with Twitch channels that have VODs allowed, since it will post the footage.
These videos will be up for 14 days in the PUBG Report database.
Still having issues? Join the Trials Report Discord to ask questions.
Become a better streamer with Alias
Want to be featured on PUBG Report more often? It's time to get streaming, and with it, you'll need an awesome microphone. Go for the Alias gaming microphone, which is a fantastic starting option for a fledgling streamer. It's basically plug-n-play with a simple USB interface, and it featurs a capsule up to 3X bigger than other mics. Sound better and clearer when reacting to your PUBG kills!
You'd rather go above and beyond? Get the Alias Pro then, our studio-quality microphone with a powerful XLR connection made easy. It comes with a handy XLR Stream Mixer that shows you the mic capture level and offers useful shortcuts, especially for muting when needed. Empower your sound quality even further with Sonar for Streamers, giving you so much control over every aspect of your stream's audio quality.
Make sure to check out our tips on growing your stream.
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Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.