How to Breed Anubis in Palworld
Learn how to acquire this powerful Pal.

Breeding is a key feature that allows gamers to expand theory collection of powerful Pals. Anubis has the best Handiwork stat in the game!
In this article we’ll walk you through everything you need to know and the prerequisites for breeding not just Anubis, but all pals in Palworld. We’ll walk you through setting up your breeding farm and how to get an egg incubator so you can breeze through the steps and start growing your arsenal of characters. Without further ado, let’s get started!
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How to Breed Anubis

1. Reach level 19 to unlock the Breeding Farm
The first step to breeding Anubis unfortunately starts with waiting until you reach level 19. If you’ve already accomplished this feat, you’re ready to get started. At level 19, you unlock the breeding farm. While the breeding farm is the big hurdle, you’ll also have to unlock the egg incubator.
The egg incubator is usually unlocked after you have established your farm and progress further in the game. You’ll need an incubator to hatch eggs that you get from the breeding process. If you don’t want to wait long to get the egg incubator, you can use a recipe that you unlock at Ancient Technology level 7. You’ll need the following materials to craft:
Stone x30
Palladium Fragment x10
Stone x5
Ancient Civilization Parts x2
2. Capture Bushi & Penking
You’ll need at least two Pals to produce an Anubis-containing egg. The easiest way to cut to the chase is to use Bushi & Penking. Penking can be found in the Sealed Realm of Frozen Wings. Bushi is located in the Sacred Realm of the Swordmaster. Keep in mind that you need two Pals of opposite gender to create Anubis.
3. Put Bushi & Peking in the Breeding Farm
Once you’ve successfully captured both Pals, it’s time to put them in the Breeding Farm. You’ll want to give them some cake to encourage a successful breeding process. If you are low on cake and need to make some, you can make it in a cooking pot, usually unlocked at level 17.
To build a cooking pot you’ll need 20 wood, 15 ingot, 3 flame organ. From there you’ll want to add 5 flour, 8 red berries, 7 milk, 8 eggs, and 2 honey.
Once you’ve given them the cake and everyone’s comfy and cozy in the breeding farm, it’s time to wait. Eggs shouldn’t take too long to generate, some take more time than others but check back in a couple hours to see if the breeding farm has worked its magic.
4. Incubate the egg
Once you have your egg, head to the closest egg incubator and place the egg inside for hatching. If you want to speed up the process, you can build a campfire near the incubator to warm it up, this can help move the process along if you’re tight on time.

Breeding is easy in Palworld
Now you have everything you need to breed Anubis in Palworld. It’s best to have patience in these types of activities in the game. Breeding is reserved for those who have reached level 19 and unlocked the necessary accompanying features needed to have a successful breeding and hatching.If you want to get more out of your game, make sure to download SteelSeries GG software. Our free software gives you the ability to effortlessly improve sound quality, product customization and in-game screen captures. Download for free today.
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