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How to Cure Vampirism in Skyrim

So you're looking for some true blood?

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
4 minute read

Being a vampire in Skyrim has its benefits, but also some drawbacks too. If you're looking for a guide on how to become one, you found it.

Vampirism is a disease called Sanguinare Vampiris that players can contract through encounters with vampire enemies. The disease progresses over three in-game days if left untreated, leading to full vampirism, which comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Players can become vampires by being attacked by vampiric foes or by consuming Vampire Salts.

Vampirism comes with some useful strengths, but some players don’t want to change their play style to be active at night. In this case, you can cure Vampirism a number of ways.

You can cure vampirism completely or you can also choose to become a werewolf by joining the Companions, which will automatically cure any form of vampirism you have. However, this comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages associated with being a werewolf.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to cure early stage and full vampirism so you can get back to your quest.

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How to Cure Early Stage Vampirism

If you have just contracted the disease (Sanguinare Vampiris) and it’s within the first three in-game days, you can easily cure it by:

  • Using a Potion of Cure Disease: These potions can be found throughout the game or purchased from various merchants.

  • Visiting a Shrine: Praying at a shrine dedicated to a deity can also cure the disease.

  • Consulting a Vigilant of Stendarr: They can help you with the cure if you encounter them in your travels

How to Cure Full Vampirism

Skyrim character interaction saying he has a filled black soul gem

Image from WikiHow

If you’ve progressed to full vampirism, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Find Falion

Travel to Morthal and locate Falion, a wizard who specializes in vampirism. He can typically be found outside the town at night or inside during the day.

2. Initiate the Quest

Speak to Falion and select the dialogue option about his expertise in vampirism, which will start the quest titled “Rising at Dawn”.

3. Obtain a Filled Black Soul Gem

You will need a filled Black Soul Gem for Falion to perform the curing ritual. You can find these gems in various dungeons or purchase them from Falion or Enthir at the College of Winterhold.

To fill a Black Soul Gem, cast the Soul Trap spell on a humanoid enemy and kill them while the spell is active.

4. Return to Falion

After acquiring and filling the Black Soul Gem, return to Falion. He will lead you to a summoning circle near Morthal at dawn where he will perform the ritual to cure your vampirism.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the consequences of curing Vampirism?

Curing vampirism means losing all associated powers and resistances gained from being a vampire. However, should you wish to become a vampire again in the future, you can do so without permanent repercussions.

What are the benefits of remaining a Vampire in Skyrim?

Remaining a vampire in Skyrim offers several unique benefits that can enhance gameplay, especially for players who favor stealth or magic builds.

Enhanced Abilities

  • Vampiric Strength:

    Increases unarmed attack damage, making melee combat more effective.

  • Champion of the Night:

    Boosts Illusion spells by 25%, enhancing their effectiveness.

  • Nightstalker’s Footsteps:

    Improves sneaking abilities by 25%, which is beneficial for stealth gameplay.

Unique Spells

  • Vampiric Drain:

    Absorbs health from enemies, healing the caster for the same amount. Its power increases with the vampire’s stage.

  • Vampire’s Servant:

    Reanimates a dead body to fight alongside the player, with increased duration and effectiveness at higher stages.

  • Vampire’s Sight:

    Provides night vision, allowing players to see in the dark without torches.

  • Vampire’s Seduction:

    Calms creatures and NPCs once per day, useful for feeding without conflict.

  • Embrace of Shadows:

    Grants temporary invisibility, available at higher stages of vampirism.

Resistance and Immunity

  • Frost Resistance:

    At higher stages, vampires gain up to 100% resistance to frost damage.

  • Immunity to Diseases and Poisons:

    Vampires are immune to all diseases and poisons, providing a significant survival advantage.

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Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.

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