How to Share Sonar Presets
Share your amazing Sonar preset with everyone else!

In the latest version of SteelSeries GG, you can now create, share, and import configs for each of your Sonar audio channels (ie. game, microphone or chat).
Config sharing has been one of the most requested features, and we’re so excited to finally make it possible for you to quickly try out other configs from the community and share your own.
Sonar has presets for your game, chat, media, and microphone, and now, after creating your own, you can share them! Here's how.
How config sharing works
A Sonar config isn’t just about your EQ settings; it contains the settings for every aspect of a given sound channel, including ClearCast AI, Spatial Audio, and all other effects that are available in each tab.
Although this feature is in its beta phase, you may have noticed that it’s been available for the Game audio channel for a while, and we now feel it's robust enough for a full rollout.
That said, expect to see a slew of updates in 2024, where we aim to make config discovery and sharing much smoother.
But enough talking.
How to use config sharing
It’s really simple:
- Open any sound channel in Sonar (ie. game, microphone or chat)
- Make sure all your settings are to your liking
- Hit the blue “Share” button next to the config drop-down
- Give your preset a descriptive name and select "Share"
- Sonar now creates a link that you can copy and share
- Paste that bad boy in Discord or whatever forum you use
Share your config in our Discord Server or Sub Reddit . We have a dedicated channel for Sonar configs!
How to share your preset on Discord
Join our server: discord.gg/steelseries
Go to #sonar-configs
Post your config with this format:
- Title: Make it descriptive! Include the device name, game and other relevant info (e.g., "Footstep booster for Fortnite with a SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro").
- Message:
- Tell everyone what you optimized your config for. Did you add bass? Remove certain sounds? Fine-tune Spatial audio for a certain game? etc.
- Mention the specific device (headset, speakers or mic) that you optimized your config for.
- Finally, paste the personal config link that you generated in Sonar.
How to share your preset on Reddit
Go to our subreddit: reddit.com/r/steelseries
Create a new post with the flair “sonar config”
Post your config with this format:
- Title: Make it descriptive! Include the device name, game and other relevant info (e.g., "Footstep booster for Fortnite with a SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro").
- Message:
- Tell everyone what you optimized your config for. Did you add bass? Remove certain sounds? Fine-tune Spatial audio for a certain game? etc.
- Mention the specific device (headset, speakers or mic) that you optimized your config for.
- Finally, paste the personal config link that you generated in Sonar.
Pretty easy, ay?
Also check this out:

Also known as Crash_ is a Counter-Strike veteran who quickly realized that designing and creating content was his best path forward in esports despite his (in)famous 360 noscope abilities. After building the foundation for the Danish esports scene with the crew at XplayN.com, he joined SteelSeries where he's been doing design and marketing things ever since.