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How to Get Star Fragments in Animal Crossing

Collect star fragments to craft celestial objects.

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
2 minute read

Star fragments are a key crafting material in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They are used for crafting furniture and celestial objects like a magic wand. In this guide, we’ll show you how to collect star fragments in 3 easy steps.

3 Steps to Get Star Fragments in Animal Crossing

Step 1: Locate a Meteor Shower

During a meteor shower, shooting stars are released which can be wished on to receive star fragments.

These events can be announced by Isabelle in the morning announcements. They come in two types: light showers (not announced) and heavy showers (announced), with heavy showers yielding more shooting stars.

During a meteor shower, you can make multiple wishes, increasing your chances of obtaining more star fragments.

Step 2: Wishing on Shooting Stars

In order to get star fragments, you’ll need to wish on shooting stars during the meteor shower.

Make sure you don’t have any items equipped, so you can cast your wishes.

You can wish on shooting stars between 7 PM and 4 AM any day of the year. During this time, look up at the night sky for shooting stars, which make a distinct sound as they pass by.

When you see a shooting star, press the A button while not holding any items to make a wish. Each wish grants you one star fragment the following day

Step 3: Collect Your Star Fragments

The next day, check the beaches on your island for star fragments. They will wash up along the shore, appearing as large yellow rocks.

You can collect up to 20 star fragments from your wishes if no one else is visiting your island; otherwise, additional fragments may appear based on visitors’ wishes.

Pro Tip: Celeste, who appears during meteor showers, can also give you star fragments directly. If you’re ineligible for additional DIY recipes from her, she has a 60% chance of giving you five star fragments.

Tips to Maximize Your Star Fragment Collection

  • Always check Isabelle’s announcements for meteor shower updates.

  • Ensure the sky is clear to maximize your chances of seeing shooting stars.

  • After a meteor shower, visit your beaches multiple times throughout the day to collect all star fragments as they may wash up at different times

  • Avoid Time Traveling Past the Next Day. If you time travel beyond the day after a meteor shower, you may miss out on collecting your star fragments

Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.